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Intermediate Event
Pregunta #1: What is a boundary intermediate event?
It is an intermediate event contained in a Task
It is a triggerless intermediate event located after a Gateway.
It is a triggerless intermediate event located after a Task.
It is a triggerless intermediate event located within a Subprocess.
Pregunta #2: What can we say about the border of an intermediate event?
It has 1 thick line.
It has 2 thin and continuous lines.
It has 2 thin lines. Usually these lines are continuous, but if it is a non-interrupting event the line is dashed.
It has 1 thin line.
There is no rule for border lines.
Pregunta #3: A non-interrupting boundary event creates a flow in parallel to the normal flow.
Pregunta #4: Link events are an alternative to message exchange intermediate events.
Pregunta #5: Select 3 statements about throw and catch events
Start events are always catching events.
Start events are always throwing events.
Intermediate events can be throwing or catching events.
Intermediate events can only be throwing events.
Intermediate events can only be catching events.
End events are always throwing events.
End events can be throwing or catching events.
There is no rule regarding catching, throwing and event types.
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