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Pregunta #1: What is the limit of output flows in an Exclusive Gateway?
Up to 2 output flows and up to 1 input flow.
Up to 2 output flows and unlimited input flows.
Up to 3 output flows.
There is no limit for input or output flows.
Pregunta #2: As with parallel flows, it is recommended that exclusive gateways always have a conversion and synchronization gateway.
Pregunta #3: Default flows are recommended for exclusive gateways, especially if there are more than 2 output flows. This will make the flow more consistent.
Pregunta #4: What can we say about the terms "Deviation" and "Decision"?
"Deviations" are decisions implemented with parallel gateways, and "Decisions" are only implemented with exclusive gateways.
"Deviations" are decisions implemented with an exclusive gateway.
Both terms have the same meaning in BPMN.
"Deviations" are represented by gateways, and "Decisions" are performed in a task prior to the gateway.
"Decisions" are represented by gateways, and "Deviations" are performed in a task prior to the gateway.
Pregunta #5: What is the main difference between an inclusive gateway and a parallel gateway?
Inclusive gateways have only 2 output flows, and parallel gateways can generate endless tokens.
Inclusive gateways have a condition on each output flow of the divergent element, while parallel gateways trigger all output flows at the diversion point.
Inclusive gateways have been discontinued in BPMN version 2.0.
Parallel gateways have a condition on each output flow of the divergent element, meanwhile inclusive gateways trigger all output flows at the diversion point.
Inclusive gateways have only one output flow, while parallel gateways trigger all output flows at the the diversion point.
Pregunta #6: What is the concurrent unit called in BPMN diagrams?
Quick win.
Pregunta #7: Gateways can be used to start processes.
Pregunta #8: Which gateway can we add in a pool to await a message from another pool?
Event gateway.
Exclusive gateway.
Inclusive gateway.
Complex gateway.
Intermediate event.
Pregunta #9: What is the best practice for naming Exclusive Gateways?
It is recommended to assign a question to a gateway and possible answers to the output flows.
It is recommended to omit gateway labels and to indicate the purpose of each output flow.
It is recommended to use an infinitive verb and a noun.
There are no best practices for gateways.
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