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Question #1: What is the limit of output flows in an Exclusive Gateway?
Question #2: As with parallel flows, it is recommended that exclusive gateways always have a conversion and synchronization gateway.
Question #3: Default flows are recommended for exclusive gateways, especially if there are more than 2 output flows. This will make the flow more consistent.
Question #4: What can we say about the terms "Deviation" and "Decision"?
Question #5: What is the main difference between an inclusive gateway and a parallel gateway?
Question #6: What is the concurrent unit called in BPMN diagrams?
Question #7: Gateways can be used to start processes.
Question #8: Which gateway can we add in a pool to await a message from another pool?
Question #9: What is the best practice for naming Exclusive Gateways?

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Sebastien MAZAURIC
    September 25, 2019 9:39 pm

    Question #3: Conditional flows are recommended for exclusive gateways, especially if there are more than 2 output flows. This will make the flow more consistent.
    The good answer is true, but for me, you should say : Default flows are recommended and not Conditional flows

  • Hello again,

    I am a bit confused with Inclusive and Parallel gateways. In the example we created to demo the inclusive gateway both the Book Hotel and Book flight were executed in parallel, wih no condition attached to it.
    Can you clarify it to me, please,

    Thanks in advance,


    • Leticia Palmieri
      April 23, 2020 5:47 pm

      Hi! They are indeed very similar. But in the travel request, note that the person can choose if he will be needing tickets and also to book a hotel. He can choose, one OR the other, OR even both. If you use a Parallel gate, this will not work once this gateway has an AND configuration, and all paths have to be executed in order for the flow to continue (no conditions). For this example, note that both tasks are necessarily executed ( Ship Goods and Send invoice) if one is not completed the flow will not move on. Also see: . If it´s still not clear for you, please let me know.

  • Hello,
    I wasn’t able to reproduce some of the examples you showed during the past modules. In this one, for example, when I ‘right click’ on the start even, it does not show the ‘test’ option. Is it due to the fact that I am running a free version of the solution ?
    Thanks in advance for your reply,

    • Leticia Palmieri
      April 23, 2020 5:31 pm

      Hello! Sorry for the late response…After you create your process, you have to automate it. Once you have enabled automation you will get the test bottom on your start event. Please let me know if this worked for you.


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