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Pools and Lanes
Question #1: What does a pool represent?
Question #2: Which connector is used to connect pools?
Question #3: What can be stated about Gateways and Messages?
Question #4: Which of the following elements can be used to exchange messages?
Question #5: Select 2 good names for lanes.
Question #6: It is recommended to include a task to represent the change of responsibilities between two lanes.
Question #7: How is it called a pool that does not contain elements, but only messages connected on its border?
Question #8: In a process where a pool was included to represent the Client, what can we say about the exchange of messages with other processes?

4 Comments. Leave new

  • “A Participant represents a specific PartnerEntity (e.g., a company) and/or a more general PartnerRole (e.g., a
    buyer, seller, or manufacturer) that are Participants in a Collaboration” – Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), v2.0.2, P.113
    This means that you could actually give the name of the a company to your pool. I the video you say not to do it, I think it is a mistake.

    • Leticia Palmieri
      September 21, 2020 12:06 pm

      It is not a problem to name the pool after your company, but you need to consider the elements that are inside the pool and if the pool has all the company’s processes. In this case, it would not be that suitable. It would be nice for you to have hours of modeling consultancy with our team to help build the diagrams.
      If you are interested or have any other questions, please contact me.

  • Abdelhamid Omar
    July 1, 2020 10:01 pm

    how to make straight line dashed

    • Leticia Palmieri
      July 7, 2020 1:40 pm

      Hello! We adjust the line automatically according to the type of the connector.
      If it is a sequence flow between two elements within the same pool, it will be a straight line.
      if it is a connector that comes out of a pool and enters another one, then it will be automatically dashed.
      This is a characteristic of the notation, so the tool will follow the rules of BPMN. Thanks.


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