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Pools and Lanes
Questão #1: What does a pool represent?
A process diagram.
A subprocess.
A team.
A participant.
Questão #2: Which connector is used to connect pools?
Sequence Flow.
Questão #3: What can be stated about Gateways and Messages?
A Gateway can throw messages, but it can not capture them.
Gateways and tasks have the same behavior in message exchanges.
It is not possible to relate gateways to message exchanges.
A Gateway can catch messages, but it can not throw them.
Questão #4: Which of the following elements can be used to exchange messages?
Message end event.
Abstract task.
Signal intermediate event.
Send task.
Receive task.
User task.
Message intermediate event.
Signal end event.
Questão #5: Select 2 good names for lanes.
John Doe.
Sales Team.
Human Resources.
Mary and John.
Lane 1.
Questão #6: It is recommended to include a task to represent the change of responsibilities between two lanes.
Questão #7: How is it called a pool that does not contain elements, but only messages connected on its border?
Generic pool.
Black box pool.
White box pool.
Blue pool.
Free pool.
There is no special designation for this type of pool.
Questão #8: In a process where a pool was included to represent the Client, what can we say about the exchange of messages with other processes?
These messages should be minimized and client participation restricted.
The messages represent the "Moments of Truth".
The messages are a conversation contract with the client and define legal needs.
There is no particularity about these messages.
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