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Questão #1: User tasks represent the work performed with the support of an information system.
Questão #2: This type of task represents work that should not be controlled in an information system
User Task.
Receive Task.
Send Task.
Manual Task.
Questão #3: Service tasks represent the processing of a task in an external information system and usually use web service technology to make the call.
Questão #4: The following type represents
A task that can be reversed.
A task that can be canceled.
A multiple loop task.
An error task.
Questão #5: Which of the following sets is used to exchange messages between participants?
Set #1.
Set #2.
Set #3.
Questão #6: What does the envelope icon of the following task mean?
Sending mail.
Receiving a message.
Sending a message.
Receiving an email.
Sending an email.
Questão #7: List 2 good labels for user-type tasks.
Commercialization of products in other countries.
Prepare quotation.
Provide services.
Was it approved?
Little House, LLC
Prepare the contract with all items that are in the template and then send it to the client with notice of receipt by courier.
Questão #8: List 2 good labels for sending tasks.
Send Quotation and Confirm Receipt.
Send Request.
Send Quotation.
Prepare Report.
Provide Information.
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